
Kamis, 04 Desember 2008

Who Is Jack??

Nama asli di balik pembunuhan besar itu sampai saat ini masih misteri. Begitu juga motif dan teori pembunuhannya. Beberapa nama sempat di ajukan dan di selidiki akan tetapi menemukan jalan buntu. Beberapa nama baru yang muncul kemudian juga tidak dapat dibuktikan keterlibatannya bahkan ada yang tidak ditanggapi secara serius.
1. Dr. Thomas Neill Cream (Mei 1850 – 15 November 1892)
Thomas Neill adalah seorang dokter yang secara rahasia melakukan praktek aborsi. Lahir di Skotlandia, belajar di London dan aktif di Kanada lalu Chicago. Tahun 1881 Dia bertanggung jawab atas keracunan beberapa pasien hingga meninggal. Tidak ada tuduhan yang dilayangkan, tetapi Dr Thomas Neill bersikeras untuk melakukan pembedahan terhadap korban. Akhirnya ia dipenjara di Illinois dan bebas pada tahun 1891 karena berkelakuan baik. Di London, ia melakukan pembunuhan dan tertangkap lagi. Thomas Neill dijatuhi hukuman gantung 15 November 1892. Menurut beberapa sumber, kata-kata terakhirnya sewaktu menjalani human mati adalah : ”I am Jack..” Beberapa penulis menyebutkan kemungkinan, saat ia dipenjara di tahun 1888, Neill menyuap sipir penjara untuk keluar dari penjara beberapa waktu. Walaupun pihak berwenang menyatakan penyuapan tersebut bisa terjadi di era itu, Neill tidak terbukti bersalah dan alasan tersebut dinilai kurang kuat.
2. Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clerence (1864-1892)
Referensi pertama tentang Duke of Clerence sebagai tersangka muncul tahun 1962 melalui buku biografi yang ditulis oleh Phillipe Jullian yang berjudul Edouard VII, Ayah Prince Albert. Buku itu mengemukakan teori Prince Alvert sebagai Jack The Ripper yang dibantu oleh The Duke of Bedford (kolega terdekat Albert) berkaitan dengan aib Prince Albert yang dirahasiakan. Akan tetapi, Jullien tidak menyebutkan sumber-sumber yang pasti dan dapat dipercaya. Hanya berdasarkan rumor yang ia dengar lewat wawancara beberapa petugas kerajaan semasa Raja Edward VII memimpin, tapi tidak ditemukan bukti-bukti yang jelas.
Pada tahun 1970, Dr. Thomas Eldon Alexander Stowell dalam artikelnya A Solution in The Criminalogist, mengatakan hal yang sama. Prince Albert yang menurutnya meninggal karena Sipilis (bukan karena pnemonia), menurut sumber yang dipercaya melaluli William Whitey Gull, melakukannya karena penyakit spilis yang ia derita karena hubungan biseksual termasuk oleh pelacur karena pesta-pesta gelap yang pernah diadakan Prince Albert. Semua tuduhan dibantah dan tidak dapat dibuktikan.
Pada tahun 1978, Frank Spiering menerbitkan buku berjudul Prince Jack, berdasarkan kopi dari jurnal pribadi William Withney Gull di Perpustakaan New York Academy of Medicine. Dalam tulisan tersebut juga disebutkan pengakuan Prince Albert dalam pengaruh hipnotis. Now York Academy of Medicine membantah memiliki jurnal tersebut, dan buku Spiering secara luas dihentikan karena dianggap menyadur teori yang dikemukakan oleh Stowell yang ditambahi dengan fiksi karangan Spiering sendiri. Spiering sendiri dituduh sebagai pencari sensai ketimbang peneliti sejarah.
3. William Withey Gull (31 Desember1816 – 29 Januari 1890)
Seorang ahli spesialisasi bedah yang menamatkan studinya dengan gemilang. Secara rahasia William di rekrut oleh Perkumpulan Rahasia Besar Freemason karena kepintarannya dan menjadi penasehat medis utama Ratu Victoria yang lalu di hadiahi gelar kebangsawanan. William menjadi tersangka kasus Jack The Ripper karena dikait-kaitkan dengan Konspirasi Teori Keluarga Kerajaan Inggris Raya.
Kisah itu berawal dari hubungan gelap Prince Albert dengan Anne Crook, seorang penjaga toko, yang membuahkan seorang bayi perempuan bernama Alice. Mereka kemudian menikah secara diam-diam atas kehendak Anne.
Beberapa tahun kemudian, walaupun mereka tidak hidup bersama, hal itu diketahui oleh Sang Ratu. Atas perintahnya Prince Albert di pingit dilingkungan kerajaan dan Anne dinyatakan mengalami gangguan kejiwaan dan dimasukkan ke Rumah Sakit Jiwa Guys Hospital. Alice yang masih kecil kemudian di asuh oleh Mary Jane Kelly (korban terakhir pembunuhan) yang kemudian di asuh oleh orangtua Anne.
Sedangkan Marry Jane Kelly, bersama teman-teman pelacurnya, Stride (korban ketiga), Annie Chapman (korban kedua), Marry Ann Nichols (korban pertama), terlibat hutang pada mafia yang memiliki reputasi yang menyeramkan dalam hal menyiksa dan membunuh pelacur. Dalam desakan keuangan mereka berencana memeras pihak kerajaan tentang rahasia kelam Prince Albert.
Sang Ratu lalu menugaskan Sir William Withey Gull untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini, William sebagai ahli bedah dan anggota freemason, menyelesaikan dengan tata cara freemason yang penuh dengan mitologi. (Dipercayai dari kelima korban yang di bunuh membentuk pentagram dengan komposisi magis). William meninggal satu tahun kemudian setelah mengerjakan tugasnya, Rumor mengatakan Gull hanya di asingkan di suatu tempat untuk menghindari kebocoran.
Tuduhan ini adalah tuduhan yang paling populer untuk saat ini. Sebuah novel berdasarkan teori ini dengan judul ’From Hell’ (1998) di jual luas dan terjual ribuan kopi yang lalu di filmkan dengan judul yang sama di tahun 2001. Pihak kerajaan mengatakan Sir William pada era pembunuhan mengalami beberapa kali Stroke sehingga kejadian ini tidak mungkin terjadi.
Jack The Ripper merupakan misteri Fenomenal dalam bidang kriminal yang belum terpecahkan. Kasus Jack The Ripper merupakan kasus Seri Pembunuhan pertama dalam dunia modern yang ternyata menginspirasi kasus yang sama. Di Wax Museum Madame Tussaud, London, dipertontonkan rekonstruksi perbuatannya.

Kamis, 27 November 2008

tHe mOzt gReaTz!!!


It all began at around 3.40am on August 31st 1888, when a carter named Charles Cross was making his way along Bucks Row Whitechapel, when he noticed a bundle lying in a gateway. Presuming it to be a tarpaulin, and thinking that it might prove useful, he went to examine it. As he got closer he froze in horror when he saw that it was in fact the body of a woman. As he stood rooted to the spot he hear footsteps behind him and turned to see another Carter, Robert Paul, approaching. "Come and look over here," said Cross, "there's a woman lying on the pavement."
It was with a great deal of trepidation that the two men bent down to examine the woman. She was lying on her back, her skirts pulled up almost to her stomach. Nervously, Cross felt her hands and found them to be cold. "I believe she's dead," he told his companion, who was crouching over her, trying to hear whether or not she was breathing. She wasn't. But when he felt her breast he thought he detected a slight movement. "I think she's breathing" he exclaimed, "but very little if she is." Paul wanted to sit her up, but Cross demurred and refused to touch her. Late for work and not wishing to lose anymore time, the two men attempted to pull down the woman's skirts, and went on their way intending to inform the first police officer they encountered of their discovery. What neither man had noticed, however, was that her throat had been cut so savagely that her head had almost been severed from her body.
That discovery was made by PC John Neil as he walked his beat along Bucks Row at approximately 3.45am. He had passed the site thirty minutes earlier and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. This time he found the body, and with the aid of his lantern was able to examine the woman more closely than Paul and Cross had been able to do. He told the subsequent inquest into her death that he noticed "blood oozing from a wound in her throat. She was lying on her back, with her clothes disarranged. I felt her arm, which was quite warm from the joints upwards. Her eyes were wide open. Her bonnet was off and lying at her side, close to the left hand..."
Moments later Neil noticed PC John Thain passing a nearby street, and flashed his lantern at him to attract his attention. " Here's a woman with her throat cut", he called across, "run at once for Dr Llewellyn." As Thain hurried off to fetch the medic, PC Mizen, who had been alerted by Cross and Paul, came hurrying to the scene, and Neil despatched him to summon an ambulance. Llewellyn arrived soon afterwards, and following a cursory examination, told the officers to "move her to the mortuary. She is dead, and I will make a further examination of her there." The body was duly lifted onto an ambulance and taken to the mortuary in Old Montague Street. It was there that Inspector Spratley, whilst taking down a description of the deceased, lifted her skirts and discovered something that everyone had so far missed. Beneath her blood soaked clothing, a deep gash ran along her stomach - she had been disembowelled. Jack the Ripper’s reign of terror had begun.
The woman was Mary Ann Nicholls, a forty - three - year - old prostitute, who had been ejected from her lodging house just two hours earlier, because she didn’t have the money to pay her rent. “I’ll soon get my doss money” , she had confidently predicted, “See what a jolly bonnet I’ve got..” That bonnet now lay trampled and bloodstained in a Whitechapel gateway.


In the week that followed the murder, the press began to publish lurid and sensational stories. They had wrongly blamed two earlier killings, that of Emma Smith on 3rd April 1888 and of Martha Tabram (or Turner as she was also known) on the 6th August 1888 on the murderer of Mary Nicholls. They had even come up with a possible suspect in the form of a man whom the local prostitutes had nicknamed “Leather Apron” and whom, they were claiming, had been making violent threats toward them, including that he was going to “rip them up”. Unfortunately they didn’t know his name, couldn’t provide an address and the only description they could give was that he habitually wore a leather apron and that he sometimes wore a deerstalker cap.
Just such a man was seen at 5.30am on 8th September 1888, talking to prostitute Annie Chapman, in Hanbury Street. At around 6am market porter, John Davis, went into his backyard at 29 Hanbury Street and discovered “dark Annie’s” mutilated body. Her dress had been pulled up around her knees, exposing her striped stockings. A deep cut had slashed across her throat; her intestines had been tugged out and laid across her shoulder. Missing from the body were the uterus and part of the bladder. The contents of her pocket were found lying in a neat pile near to the body. The brass rings that she had been wearing at the time of her murder, had evidently been torn from her fingers and were never discovered. And, just a few feet away from the body, there lay a folded and wet leather apron.
Since the leather apron was the standard garment worn by a wide range of Jewish workers from butchers to tailors, the finding of just such a garment in the backyard of 29 Hanbury Street, coupled with the frenzy that was being created by the press, caused the neighbourhood to erupt into anti - Semitism. Innocent Jews were attacked by angry mobs claiming that no Englishman was capable of committing such murders. The media frenzy would come to an end on the 10th September, when Sergeant William Thick went round to 22 Mulberry Street, and arrested thirty - six - year old John Pizer maintaining that he was “Leather Apron”. Pizer, however had cast iron alibi’s for the nights of both murders and was quickly eliminated from the enquiry.
In the streets of Whitechapel and Spitalfields, the intensification of police activity had seen a dramatic downturn in the crime rate. There were newspaper reports that “ a dreadful quiet has descended onto the East End of London”, and by the end of September people began to wonder if the murders had come to an end. With the last day of September just two hours old the “beast of Whitechapel” had proved them horrifyingly wrong by murdering twice in less than an hour.

THE WHITECHAPEL MURDERS CONTINUE At around 1am on 30th September 1888, hawker Louis Diemshutz, returned to Berners Street, having spent the day hawking cheap jewellery at Crystal Palace. As he turned his pony and cart into the yard of the Jewish Socialist Club at number 30 Berners Street, the pony suddenly reared in alarm and pulled to the left. Looking around to find what had distressed the animal, Diemshutz saw what appeared to be a pile of clothes lying on the ground. He poked at them with his whip and then lit a match. The flame flickered for a brief moment before being extinguished by the breeze. But in that brief seconds light Diemshutz saw that it was the body of a woman, and he ran for the police.
The woman’s name was Elizabeth Stride (sometimes known as “Long Liz Stride”) and her throat had been slashed. But the fact there were no mutilations to the body led the police to conclude that the murderer had been interrupted as he went about his bloody business. Is it possible that, as he stooped over his victim, the cart entering the yard had disturbed him, causing him to move back quickly into the shadows? Perhaps it was this sudden movement that had startled the pony? And, with Diemschutz distracted by his grisly find, the killer had slipped quickly and quietly away, as the news of another murder and the ensuing frenzied excitement, helped cover his escape.

At around 8.30am the previous evening PC Louis Robinson of the City Policehad arrested forty - six - year - old, Catharine Eddowes on Aldgate High Street and charged her with being drunk and disorderly. She was taken to Bishopsgate police station, placed in a cell and left to sober up. As Elizabeth Stride was meeting her murderer, Catharine was heard singing and was deemed sober enough for immediate release. Leaving the station at around 1am, she turned to the desk sergeant and spoke her last recorded words “Cheerio me old cock” she called, and stepped out into the early morning. At approximately 1.35pm three Jewish men were leaving the Imperial Club at 16 - 17 Duke Street. They noticed a man and a woman talking with one another at the corner of Church Passage. One of the three, Joseph Lawende, would later give the police a detailed description of this mystery man and maintain that the woman whom he saw was definitely Catharine Eddowes.
At 1.45am PC Watkins walked his usual beat into Mitre square and, by the light of his bull’s - eye lamp, discovered her mutilated body. He would later state “I have been in the force for a long while but I never saw such a sight. The body had been ripped open, like a pig in the market.” If the killer had been denied his satisfaction of mutilating the body of Elizabeth Stride, his appetite had been more than sated on the unfortunate Catherine Eddowes. Her body lay on its back, head turned toward the left shoulder. The throat had been cut back to the spine; the lobe of the right ear was cut through; a V had been cut into her cheeks and eyelids; the tip of the nose was detached; her abdomen had been laid open; the intestines tugged out and laid over her shoulder, while missing from the body were the uterus and left kidney. The murderer had then left the scene and headed off into the Streets of Spitalfields. We know this because, on this one night, the beast of Whitechapel would leave behind him a tantalising clue.
Let us put his escape that morning into context. There had been an earlier murder in Berners Street. Word was spreading throughout the neighbourhood that the beast had struck again. All the police activity now centred on flushing him out and hunting him down. Yet, having murdered Catharine Eddowes, he did not escape to the relative safety that he might find West of the district, but instead, went straight into the area where the activity was directed toward his apprehension. He could have only escaped if, as he went through the neighbourhood, he fitted in. In other words he was not thought suspicious, or out of place, by those who may have seen him.


In Goulston Street there still stands a sturdy building that in 1888 provided accommodation for Jewish traders who dealt in second - hand clothes on Petticoat lane or traded shoes at the footwear market on Wentworth Street. Known as The “Wentworth Model Dwellings”, it was here in a doorway, at 2.45am , that PC Alfred Long discovered a section of Catherine Eddowes apron. There were bloody finger marks on it and it was evident that the blade of a bloodied knife had been wiped clean upon it. This clue, tells us exactly where the murderer was heading, and confirms the theory that he was an East - Ender living in the area. But the doorway also contained a much more famous and, subsequently promoted, none clue. For, scrawled in chalk on the wall above the apron, was the message “The Juwes are the men That Will be blamed for nothing” (although several observers remembered slightly different wording to the Graffito). Sir Charles Warren, the metropolitan police commissioner, fearful of a resurgence of the anti - Semitism that had swept the neighbourhood in the wake of the “Leather Apron” scare, ordered that the message be rubbed out, and it was duly erased at 5.30am before a photograph could be taken of it.


On the 1st October 1888 the Daily News published a letter which had been received by the head of the Central News Agency on 27th September. Dated 25th September 1888 the letter read:-

Dear Boss I keep on hearing the police have caught me but they wont fix me just yet. I have laughed when they look so clever and talk about being on the right track. That joke about Leather Apron gave me real fits. I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled. Grand work the last job was. I gave the lady no time to squeal. How can they catch me now. I love my work and want to start again. You will soon hear of me with my funny little games. I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick like glue and I cant use it. Red ink is fit enough I hope ha ha. The next job I do I shall clip the ladies ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly wouldnt you. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work, then give it out straight. My knife’s so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good luck. Yours Truly Jack the Ripper Don't mind me giving the trade name wasnt good enough to post this before I got all the red ink off my hands curse it. No luck yet. They say I’m a doctor now ha ha.

With the publication of this letter, the murderer was given the name that would launch him into legend. A name that would become so well known the world over that the very mention of it, even to those who have little knowledge of the actual murders, could summon up vivid images of gas lit, foggy streets and of an unknown terror stalking the night shadows on a murderous and chilling quest. The legend of Jack the Ripper was born.
On the 16th October 1888 Mr George Lusk, president of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee sat down to his dinner table. A small cardboard box was delivered in the evening mail. Opening it he discovered a letter addressed “From Hell” and wrapped inside it, half a human kidney. The letter read:-

Mr Lusk Sor I send you half the Kidne I took from one women prasarved it for you tother piece I fried and ate it was very nise I may send you the bloody knif that took it out if you only wate a whil longer signed Catch me when you can Mishster Lusk

But did either letter actually come from the murderer? The “Jack the Ripper” letter certainly did not. Indeed several of the senior Police officers maintained that the letter was the work of an “enterprising London journalist” with one adding that the journalists identity was “known to senior Scotland Yard detectives”. And the Kidney, according to the City pathologist Dr Sedgewick Saunders was unlikely, as had, and has, been claimed, to be the one removed from Catharine Eddowes. Indeed he declared that the fact the Kidney was sodden in alcohol suggested that the Kidney had come from a hospital dissecting room, where it would obviously have been preserved in Spirits of alcohol

In the aftermath of the “Double Event” police activity intensified throughout early October. The “Jack the Ripper” correspondence had led to great media speculation. The East End was in the grip of panic coupled with a grim curiosity that saw morbid crowds gathering at the murder sites to speculate on the killer’s identity and motives. As the Star of the East informed its readers:
" The district of Whitechapel and Aldgate is.. in a state of ferment and panic. All night long there have been people in the streets, standing round coffee stalls and at other points.....talking of the .latest horrors, and even the men seemed to be in a state of terror. Extra police have patrolled the streets.. and the police authorities... have come to the conclusion that publicity is the greatest aid to the detection of the perpetrator.. and all information is cheerfully imparted to the Press.”
Despite lurid rumours and several scares, the intensification of police activity appears to have deterred the “Ripper” and October passed with no further murders, although the atmosphere remained tense. As one newspaper article pointed out:-
" The police were nervously apprehensive that the night would not pass without some startling occurrence. The most extra-ordinary precautions were taken in consequence, and so complete were the measures adopted.. that it seemed impossible for the murderer to make his appearance in the East End without detection. Large bodies of plain - clothes men were drafted to the Whitechapel district from other parts of London, and these, together with the detectives, were so numerous that in the more deserted thorough - fares almost every man met with was a police officer..”
And thus, November 1888 was ushered in on a wave of panic and terror that held the Streets of the East End in a steely grip. At 2am on the 9th November George Hutchinson met twenty - five- year - old Mary Kelly on Commercial Street. She cheerfully asked him for sixpence, to which Hutchinson replied that even this amount was beyond his modest means. She laughed, told him she’d “just have to find it some other way” and continued to the junction with Thrawl Street, where she met with another man. Hutchinson saw the two chat a little, then watched as Mary led the man into Dorset Street, where they entered her room in Miller’s Court. Forty five minutes later neither had emerged from the room and Hutchinson left the scene. Shortly before 4am several of Mary’s neighbours were woken by a cry of “Murder!” but all chose to ignore it.
At 10.45am when Thomas Bowyer called to collect her overdue rent and discovered her body. She lay upon her bed, her head turned to the left. The whole of the surfaces of the abdomen and thighs had been removed and the abdominal cavity emptied. The breasts had been cut off, the arms mutilated by several jagged wounds and the face hacked beyond recognition. The uterus and the kidneys, together with one breast, were found beneath her head. The other breast lay by her right foot. The liver had been placed between her legs, and the spleen by the left side of the body.
The murderer had left the tiny room in Miller’s Court and disappeared into the early morning. What no -one gazing upon the body of poor, unfortunate Mary Kelly could have realised was that, in the blood-bath of Millers Court, the Ripper’s reign of terror would end as suddenly and mysteriously as it had begun. As he left the bloody scene in that tiny room that morning, the Whitechapel Murderer may have performed his swansong, but the legend of Jack the Ripper was only just beginning.
_-"ThE eNd"-_

Selasa, 18 November 2008


Q sebaLdnGn uLah Q,
Q sebaL dNgn uLah U,
Q sebaL dNgn uLah kLian,,
uLh-uLah sLalu mMbWt Q sebaL?!
taK bisaKh uLah" iTu bRhnTi,,
bRhNtiLh dibLkng,,,

Senin, 10 November 2008

sAy heLLo

wOe mAz mBak!!!! hehe,,,

wAh bLog'e aNyar e!!

miNg dLx e Q roNg iSa le nGanggo,,,




anak'e spa kOe ky???

#wZ zOw nDak kakEhan!! ra Cukp MngKo!!#
Cool Transparent Green Pointer Cool Transparent Green Pointer